Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Napoleon Hill


Step 1

1. Concentration is the twin brother of Definiteness of Purpose. Just like what Clement Stone, Henry Ford and Thomas Edison possesses.

2. Concentration must be according to the Law of Infinite Intelligence, Law of Nature and Law of Rightness.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Napoleon Hill

Complete Self-Discipline

Step 2

1. Take posession and complete control of my mind. Focusing on the things I want and ignoring the things I do not want. This is done by the formation of definite habits of thought and physical action. Have the habit of affirming my major purpose at least once daily and see myself already in possession of the things I desire.

Step 5

2. If fear, doubt, self limitations and temporary defeat strike, see it as a success and immediately look for the seed of an equivalent benefit. Every adversity carries with it the seed of an equivalent benefit and temporary defeat is not failure.

3. The reward for self displine is guidance and direct contact from infinite intelligence and avoid becoming the victim of the stray winds of circumstances.

4.Always think first and act afterwards. I must be smarter than my enemy. Select my own battleground and select my own weapons. Because whatever I do to or for the other person, I do it to or for myself. Build my 3 walls of protection so that nobody wil know all about me or what goes on in my mind.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Napoleon Hill

Positive Mental Attitude

Step 5

1. Be forever vigilant against negative mental attitudes from young, from outside influence, from fear doubt and self-limitations.

2. Whenever fear doubt or self-limitations strike, think of it as if it is a success and look for the seed of an equivalent benefit. Every adversity carries with it a seed of an equivalent benefit and temporary defeat is NOT failure.

3. Have the habit of affirming one's major purpose and see myself already in possession of the things I want.

Napoleon Hill

Going the Extra Mile

Step 4

1. Provide more service and better service all with a positive mental attitude.
2. Outdo all my previous efforts.
3. Follow the Law of Nature, follow the Law of Physics

Napoleon Hill

Applied Faith

Faith the state of mind through which one's aims, desires, plans and purpose is translated into its physical and financial eqivalence. Faith is relating the mind, harmonizing my life to the great eternal force of the universe.

5 steps

Step 1.
Have a defininte major pupose.

Step 2.
Have the habit of affirming my major purpose at least once daily and see myself already in possession of the things I want.

Step 3.
Determine what I have to give in return for the things I want and keep the mind opento guidance from within.

Step 4.
Accept the plan immediately and act upon it at once.

Step 5.
Know that man's faith is tested many times and this is just one of the many testing times.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Definite Major Purpose

Guide to Financial Prosperity

1.I am a successful trader, teacher and writer.

In return for the success, I will develop trading plans, implement them with discipline and risk control and continuously learn and improve.

I will study the history of financial markets to exploit and profit from the swings of market psychology which are irrational but repetitive.

I will study the teachings of Napoleon Hill, Sun Tzu's Art of War and Business Man Mindset.

Guide to Love and Romance

2. I am leading a fulfiling life of abundance with Hwei Ling and our 3 kids. We will live in our lovely house and in our lovely Toyota Camry with at least USD1 million in our bank account.

In return for the fulfiling life, i will love and cherish them , give them my very best forever.

Guide to Sound Physical Health

3.I am leading a healthy life with weight 65kg, HbA1C 6 till 65 years old.

In return for my good health, I will eat healthy with Fish soup, soup with rice, YTF and vegetarian food, exercise at least 3 times per week and sleep at 12midnight and wake up at 7am everyday.

Guide to Sharing my Life's Blessings (Peace of Mind)

4. I am contributing to the world with my trading profits, my teaching and my writing.I am contributing to my school by becoming the member of the Board of Director of Hwa Chong Institution (The Chinese High School)

Guide to Enjoying my Life's Riches (Hope and Faith)

5. In return for enjoying life's riches, imust have

Definiteness of Purpose
Applied Faith
Going the extra mile
Positive mental attitude
Complete self discipline
Open Mind