Sunday, March 21, 2010

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill's Teachings

Step 1-Definite Major Purpose

Have a definite Major Purpose

Definiteness of Purpose-1- Disk 1
Concentration-10-Disk 6

Step 2- Faith and Belief

Have the habit of affirming my major purpose at least once daily and see myself already in posession of the things I desire.

Applied Faith-3-Disk 2
Creative Vision-14- Disk 8

Step 3-Plan

Determine what I must give in return for the things I want and keep my mind open to guidance from within.

Mastermind-2-Disk 2
Accurate Thinking-11-Disk 6

Step 4-Action

Accept the Plan and Act upon it at once

Go the extra mile-4-Disk 3
Cooperation-13-Disk 8
Personal Initiative-6-Disk 4
Enthusiam-9-Disk 6
Sound Physical Health-15-Disk 8
Budegeting Time and Money-16-Disk 9

Step 5-Persistence

Know that Man's faith is tested many times and this is just one of the testing times.

Positive Mental Attitude-7-Disk 5
Complete Self Discipline-8-Disk 8
Learning from Adversity and Defeat-12-Disk 7
Cosmic Habit Force-17-Disk 9

Napoleon Hill

Cosmic Habit Force

Step 5

I have complete control of my habits of thought and physical action

Sound Physical Health

1. I am health conscious. I have the hope of achieing my major purpose. Hope inspires sound health and sound health inspires hope.

2. My work is my labour of love, my service to mankind and my help to other people.

3. I eat in moderation. I eat slowly and not too much. I bless my food as it goes into my stomach.

4. I have a balance of work and play and love and worship.

My life of Abundance

1. I am prosperity conscious. I condition my mind on the things I want and see yself already in possession of the things I want. I support it with the faith and belief that I am going to get the things I want. I keep on wanting them even when the going is hard.

2. I am leading my ideal lifestyle of abundance with my family (my wife Hwei Ling and our 3 kids and my mother). We live in 35 Bedok Place opposite my sister, with my silver Toyota Camry and at least US$1 million in my bank account with Standard Chartered Bank.

3. I am the President and Chief Executive of the Yeou Family Investment Corporation and the fund manager of the Yeou Family Financial Freedom Fund.

4. I am leading my lifestyle of Contribution to charities with my trading profits, Contribution to the lives of people with my teaching and writing and Contribution to my school as the Board of Director of Hwa Chong Institution.

5. I am developing and imroving on my knowledge in Trading and Investment, my psychology (Sound Beliefs and Habits) and my philosophy (Sound Way of Living my Life).

My Happy Family and Friends

1. I am love conscious. I will forever love my wife and children, my family and friends, give them my very best forever.

Napoleon Hill

Budgeting Time and Money

Step 4

Budgeting Money

1)Necessity Account

Transport-$1000 ($620 loan+ $250 Petrol+ $50 Cashcard and Parking+ $80Insurance)
HP and Insurance-$120 ($50 HP+70 Insurance)
Housing - $60

=$1980 ($2000)

2) Education Account-$300
3)Play Account-$300
4)Gift Account-$300


5)Financial Freedom Account -


Budgeting Time

Time Should be Devoted on only 3 Areas

1) My Labour of Love =

ii) Teaching and Writing
iii) My School

2) My Relationships=

i) My wife and kids
ii) My Family
iii) My Friends

3) My Health=

i)My Food, Exercise and Sleep
ii) My Learning
iii) My Buddhism

Napoleon Hill

Sound Physical Health

Step 4

1. Be Health conscious. Have the hope of achieving my definite major purpose as Hope inspires sound health and sound health inspires hope.

2. Work should be a labour of love, a service to mankind and a help to other people.

3. Eat in moderation. Eat slowly and not too much. Bless the food as it enters the body.

4. Sleep well and a balance of work and play, love and worship.

Napoleon Hill

Creative Vision

Step 2

1. Tune in to infinite intelligence by the following steps.

i) Condition my mind to the definite picture of the things I want.
ii) Support it with the faith and the belief that I am going to get the things I want.
iii)Keep on wanting them even when the going is hard.

Napoleon Hill


Step 4

1. I have to seek cooperation with myself and other people in the area of

-Teaching and Writing
-Board of Director

-My wife Hwei Ling
-My Family
-My Friends


2. Man is motivated by
i) Economic and Financial Benefits ($, bonuses, promotion, Attainment of my major purpose)
ii) Recognition
iv) Contribution

3. I am motivated by
i) My lifestyle of Abundance with my family (my wife Hwei Ling and our 3 kids and my mother). We live in 35 Bedok Place, opposite my sister My silver Toyota Camry and at least US$1 million in my bank account with Standard Chartered Bank.

ii)I am the President and Chief Executive of the Yeou Family Investment Corporation and the Fund Manager of the Yeou Family Financial Freedom Fund.

iii) My Lifestyle of Contribution to charities with my trading profits, Contribution to the lives of people with my teaching and writing and Contribution to my school as the Board of Director of Hwa Chong Institution.

iv) My development in the knowledge of Trading and Investment, Sound Psychology (Sound beliefs and habits) and Sound Philosophy (Sound Way of Living my Life)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Napoleon Hill

Accurate Thinking

Step 3

Separate the facts from the fictions

1. Guard against internal-my emotions (love, anger, hatred, jeolousy, fear, greed, egotism and procrastination and prevent myself from assuming facts to harmonize my desires.

2. Guard against external-
a)Ask how do you know.
b) Ask what is the motive.
c)Ask 3 other people and do not tell them what is expected and ask discreetly. They must be recognized authority, no ulteria motive, have the habit of telling the truth.Any Any biased statements should be rejected.
d)Ask my logic, six sense and hunches.

Separate the important from the unimportant facts.

3. Do my own thinking, judgement and final analysis and make my own decision subject to my conscious. Do not give any opinions unless they are facts or thought to be facts.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

My Business Plan

My Business Plan

I am

The President of Yeou Family Investment Corp and
The Fund Manager of Yeou Family Financial Freedom Fund

My Vision Statement

My Ideal Lifestyle is a Lifestyle of Abundance with my family (my mother, my wife Hwei Ling and my 3 kids). We live in 35 Bedok Place opposite my sister with my silver Toyota Camry and at least US$1 million in my bank account.

It is a Lifestyle of Contribution, which I contribute to charities with my trading profit, which I contribute to the lives of people with my teachings and writings, which I contribute to my school as the Board of Director of Hwa Chong Institution (my former school The Chinese High School).

It is a Life of Success as a trader, which I implement my trading plans with discipline and risk control, which I exploit and profit from the large swings in market psychology which are irrational but repetitive, which I continuoously learn from the teachings of Napoleon Hill, Sun Tzu's Art of War and Businessman's Mindset.

It is Lifestyle of Sound Physical Health, which I only eat fish soup, soup with rice, Yong Tau Foo and vegetarian food, which I exercise at least 3 times per week and sleep at 12 midnight daily.

I believe that my Ideal Lifestyle can be achieved and afforded by my trading profits earned from my knowledge, my psychology (Sound Beliefs and Habits) and philosophy (Sound Way of Living my Life).

My Mission Statement

My mission as a trader is to reach and maintain my ideal Lifestyle of Abundance, my ideal Lifestyle of Contribution, my ideal Life of Success as a Trader and ideal Lifestyle of Sound Physical Health.

My Trading Philosophy

My trading capital is my mastermind alliance that will help me supplement my income in the short run and earn most of my income in the long run. If I let my trading capital gets sick or die, my dreams will also die with it.

I must take care of the downside, the upside will take care of itself.

My Goals

My goal is to be an effective and effcient trader, making the most money in the least amount of time with the least amount of trades.

Trading Goals
My aim is to take 2 trades of 1 standard contact with a profit of 25 pips each per day.

Non-trading goals
I want to use my trading business to
1. Develop my knowledge in trading and investment for my teaching and writing.
2. Develop my psychology (Sound Beliefs and Habits)
3. Develop my philosophy (Sound Way of Living my Life)

My Trading Rules

1.Know my playing field. Keep within my boundaries.
2. Be disciplined and cautious. Don't take a trade unless I can explain to others
Why I got in?
What is my target?
Where is my stop?
3. Be flexible and adaptable. Don't be stubborn and try to be right. Be profitable instead. When things change, it is ok to change. When I change, refer to rule 2.
4. My stop is my escape route, my guardian and my friend in combat. I must trade with my stop.
5. My stop will depend on a few factors. It can change when my risk tolerance changes. What can never change is the direction it moves. When I gain ground, my stop advance with me. When I lose ground, my stop stay put.
6. Know when to stay in. When I reach my target, tighten my stop and follow the flow.
7.Know when to stay out. Don't chase a trade because it can turn against me. When I missed it, i missed it. There will ALWAYS be another opportunity.
8.Know the difference of an impulsive and the corrective move. It will help me recognize where the trend is.
9. Follow the trend. Never trade against the trend.
10. Never leave a position overnight.